Rocket Arena is one of the first games to be launched on ROBLOX, this map haves 9 towers connected to each other, in the middle of a sea of lava, if you fall from the towers you will end on the first floor with red holes, you cant come back to the towers unless you se the jetboots.
Nowadays, the map is often presented with trampolines to help you go back to the fight if you ever fall, while the red pits (lava) can actually hurt you, but those additions are not part of the original map, they are there considerably to balance the game, due to the ausence of the Jetboots.
This map got created on the christhmass of 2008, this game focused in merely shooting rockets, this time you where threw to the battle with only 3 weapons, the trowel, the multi-rocket launcher, which is a boosted rocket launcher that reduces the shooting cooldown drastically, now having red colored rockets, and the jetboots, which allowed you to fly for a period of time.
The game got a good attention from the playerbase and nearly achieved 2 millions of visits in its 9 years of life, sadly, in 2015, most of the tools broke due to updates, leaving the game in an unplayable status, making it lose its common playerbase. The game went uncopylocked during these events.
Like every original brickbattle map on the ROBLOX account besides Crossroads, Rocket Arena went private on 2017, however, there is a recreation made by Build N Blox, that adds trampolines, capes, a safe room and more.