What is this?

This page serves as a website that documents the history of brickbattling, this page includes information about events and well known user's activity, its a page that is on a very early version.

Information vericity

Keep this information at your fingertips, as any piece of it could be incorrect or contain misinformation. Some events may only be documented by a few witnesses, or they might not be well known, to the point of being almost forgotten. Additionally, I gather information from other points of view.

The purpose of this page?

Be the source of documentation for future Brickbattlers who are enthusiastic about the community, or for veteran Brickbattlers to reminisce about their adventures. By the way, this is not the only source of information you can access!

take this in mind!

This page is for informational purposes only. There are no other intentions beyond entertaining people with the past and updating new Brickbattlers about what’s going on. I will do my best to avoid any problematic topics on the wiki that could cause issues for the community

Contact me:

Do you have feedback? Did you notice any misinformation that needs to be corrected immediately? Or maybe you just want to help support the cause? You can contact me at:

i will be glad to hear your suggestions!!, note that you will need verifyed information or evidence, to support the information that you want to give

PD: blue boxes are notes made by me!